martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

[] Somewhere [] Someone [] Else []

Below the twinkling stars, the sign stated: 'Here, the world is not as cruel as somewhere else'.
I wanted to think of something wonderful, something deep, something inspiring. Instead I could only try to remember if Muttley ever used shoes or just the bike helmet when he was racing.

The bony dog puffed, then returned to its inert state. It didn't expect anything from us. Life and the lack of it was the same thing for that shabby looking bitch. Life hadn't run off. It just happens that during the day vitality is more explicit in these villages. At night, death and the need for It is all there is.

I turned off my camera. The least thing I could do was to stop prevailing as another spoiled 'creative' mind. Instead, I fiddled the grapes in my pocket; the only official food in this vast forsaken valley.

'When I feel good, I get weak.' She said. So does Life and Death.

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